Join GSF
“Shippers of the World United”
GSF speaks up for cargo owners in international trade and logistics and provides a home for professionals responsible for the shipment of goods in international trade and procurement of international logistics services.

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More information on the GSF below.
Who are GSF?
We are an international trade association incorporated under United Kingdom law with members in over 25 countries around the world. We offer benefits and services to national shipper associations and corporate business seeking to promote the interests of shippers and advance the safety, efficiency and sustainability of international supply chains.
Who can join?
GSF welcomes businesses and organisations who act as shippers in international trade and logistics, including:
- National and regional shippers councils and associations
- National and regional chambers of commerce
- Sector/commodity trade bodies and associations
- Individual corporations shipping goods in global supply chains (manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers)
Other engagement formats are available for businesses who are not shippers but who still wish to receive information and updates on global shipper issues and developments and to reach a global shipper audience. Contact us using the form below.
What we offer
GSF provides members with a range of benefits and services for an annual membership fee plus additional services, often at discounted rates against listed prices.
Advocacy and influence
Networking and mutual support
Information and insight
Training and professional development
Advice and assessment services

What it costs
The current membership fees are available on request from the GSF Secretariat. Membership fees are reviewed and payable annually following their adoption by members at the Annual General Meeting
Email the Secretariat
What we are
GSF is the only incorporated and constituted organisation representing and acting for shippers at global level. As a not-for-profit trade association, GSF is owned and governed by its members and upholds high standards of business ethics and practices. As a Company Limited By Guarantee, all funds are retained within GSF and used solely to fund the activities of the association. GSF is governed by a Board of Directors drawn from its members which reports regularly to the membership at General Meetings.

GSF advocacy and influence
GSF speaks up for cargo owners in international trade and represents the agreed positions and opinions of members to global regulators and decision-making bodies.
The GSF Secretariat participates in meetings of international agencies to inform and influence outcomes of new regulations and standards.
GSF’s policy positions are determined by members meetings in the GSF Policy Council which is held four times a year and ensures GSF represents its members’ views.
The GSF Policy Report documents and records the current position on each policy issue the Secretariat is working on. GSF is open and accessible to members.
GSF issues frequent news releases and public statements on topical issues, vocalising shippers’ views, concerns and expectations. The GSF Secretariat makes itself available for interviews with journalists and contributes articles and features to trade journals and websites.

Networking and support
GSF brings together shippers and cargo owners from more than 25 countries across the world who are encountering similar challenges and opportunities to you and are willing to share their advice and experiences in exchange for yours.
Use the GSF Committees and meetings to learn and share from your counterparts across the globe.
Information and insight
The GSF Secretariat compiles and consolidates information on the issues and topics it deals with on members’ behalf and distributes it to members in a range of formats.
Members’ website
Password protected access for members to all documentation produced by the Secretariat, including Committee papers, news releases, briefing notes, blogs and videos, GSF News and the Secretariat Report.
Briefing notes
Downloadable documents produced by the GSF Secretariat summarising specific issues with insights, advice and guidance exclusively for members.
Blogs and videos
Opinion and explainers from the GSF Secretariat on policy issues, market development and emerging trends.
GSF News
A round up of GSF activities in the previous month, with links to supporting documents and external websites.
Secretariat Report
A weekly 2-pager on what the Secretariat has been working on in the previous seven days on behalf of GSF members.
Advice and assessment
The GSF Secretariat can undertake specific work assignments for members arising from international trade and the shipment of goods. Specialist advisors will be identified and engaged as necessary. Conclusions and outputs are provided as written reports and can be presented to recipient organisations by arrangement.
These assignments are chargeable separately to membership fees to reflect the Secretariat’s time and costs.